By our very nature, men especially are sexually motivated. It is imbedded in our caveman DNA heritage when we were able to take pleasure whenever and however we wanted. Even in today’s liberal world much of that ‘back of the mind’ desire still lingers. If you are a man with a high sex drive, wanting same day satisfaction, an escort is a guaranteed solution to your wants and needs.
Contrast that scenario to dating someone who may not want sex with you even on the third or fourth date, if at all. The dating scene is an expensive, time consuming sexual crapshoot with no resolution for immediate satisfaction.

“Shelling out $200 or more to have sex with a prostitute is an expensive way for men to get their rocks off but it’s much cheaper than getting married, an economist says.” .... “For marriage, the 20-year price tag comes to $2 million, on average, 10 times more than the roughly $208,000 a man would pay over the same time period for a weekly liaison with prostitutes.”
But there’s more!
On a regular dating basis there will be times you have to put up with her ‘significant other’ situations like family, friends, holidays, birthdays and 24/7 commitment. Unless marriage is your goal you might even have to sell your soul.
Using an escort you don’t have to worry about any of that. Pick up the phone, order your desire, enjoy the moment, pay the price and be free until the next time.
Speaking of ordering up what you want, your GF or wife may not want to engage in your sexual fantasies or even discuss them. Imagine after six months of dating, trying to explain your desire for a threesome, bondage or making a girl on girl video. With a professional girl(s) it’s all about money and no criticism your lust.

If you are self conscious, shy, have a physical impairment or are just butt ugly, the dating scene will probably not solve your sex drive and subsequent satisfaction.
Middle aged or older, men lust over sweet young things that would be impossible to date let alone take to bed. Enter the professional sex trade worker and problem solved.
Contrary to the spiritual-like notion that your partner may always provide a knee trembling sexual experience and remembering that men are sexual predators, the same old same routine lacks the intensity and passion of a newly discovered sex partner.
Choosing a dating relationship means you have to deal with partner issues not associated with a discrete physical relationship using a professional escort.
When shopping for pleasure, something to think about.
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