The reason that porn is wrongly looked on in this way is because it has always been a secret, shameful thing. It is a dirty thing that men keep away from their partners, an outlet for a part of their sexuality that must be kept behind locked doors and in deleted browser histories. But it is the secrecy that is the problem, not the porn itself.
It is this destructive attitude towards porn that is causing the damaging effects that people attribute to porn itself, but it doesn't have to be this way. Porn is an exploration into fantasy, a joyous voyeurism that lets people peek into the sexual imaginations of others. And when you look at how much porn there is in the world now, what easy access we have to it, we can certainly call ourselves lucky boys and girls.

But the question for many is how do you bring it into the light? The answer is simple – get your partners involved! Why should your sexual fantasies be separate? Why should your enjoyment of watching two horny porn stars getting down to business be embarrassing – it is hot! So then there is no reason that you should not enjoy porn together.
A close and intense sexual partnership should be open and honest. This means pulling the porn out of the shadows and placing it in direct sight for you both to watch! If you care about each other then you will learn to enjoy and respect what the other one likes. And guys, this does not just mean her getting used to watching a ten inch member ramming deep into a girls ass; it also means you seeing what she likes and what turns her on too, as it could be quite different.
Then there is the next step, where you step from in front of the screen to behind it. Immerse yourself in porn, become the porn. There is no secret to making porn, all you need is a camera and some imagination. What the industry produces is for your inspiration, for your viewing pleasure, and for the brave among you, it is a guide to some great nights in!
Hell, why does it even need to stay between the two of you? There are so many options out there where you could have your porn online, porn you made yourself! For many there could be a concern that you may get recognised, but there are creative ways around this – masks, editing, no faces and so on – and who knows how turned on you will get knowing that the world is going to see what you are doing to each other!
Whether you are avid viewers, potential stars, or just want to add some spark to your sex lives, do not let porn stay in the shadows where it becomes something wrong. Bring it into the light and let it shine bright!